
Grand Canyon National Park

We planned 3 days at the Grand Canyon. The evening we arrived, it was overcast but we hit all the Desert View sites. Our first full day, we had more overcast skies. The forecast was predicted to be the same for the next few days, but we decided to make the best of it. Then it looked like we were going to have some clearing our 2nd full day by around noon. We decided to head out on the shuttle along Herman's Rest. We started off that morning on the shuttle and things cleared off and we had a perfect day to enjoy the canyon sites. That evening, we shot sunset from Hopi Point. It was an absolute beautiful sunset. One of the rangers told us the best place to try to see the California Condors would be at Navajo Bridge. A few days later, we headed down to the Navajo Bridge and were able to see a few Condors. On the way, we passed by the road to the North Rim, so the next day, we headed to the North Rim of the Canyon for the afternoon.

Deer along parking lot at Visitor's Center.
